Thursday, June 14, 2012

Volvo FH16

Volvo FH16 the most powerful auto truck in the world!

 - Diesel engine working volume of 16,1 liters
 - 540, 600, 700 and h.p.
 - 2650, 2800 or 3150 Nanometers respectively
 - The lorry with a body or the auto trucks
 - Three options of cabins of a various complete set

  Volvo FH16 — is the best choice for the longest and most difficult main transportations. Possessing magnificent running characteristics, exclusive comfort, unsurpassed safety and the maximum strength, it has no equal on the road. The increased capacity and a torque of the new D16G engine do FH16 by the conclusive leader in sector of heavy autotrucks. 

On a choice various options of a complete set of a cabin are offered

Driving package — such functions as the electronic system of climate control and an advanced meter panel do a workplace comfortable and safe.

 Personal security package — the increased safety of the driver during the driving and rest. 

 Review package — the rain sensor for window wipers and additional static publicizing of turning movements provide the good review even during a rain and in a night-time. 

The package «Prevention of emergencies» — reduces risk of road accidents. Contains some systems of the help to the driver, for example, notification system at evolution and system adaptive cruise control. 

 The Rest package — includes such features as a berth with an adjustable backrest and a rotary seat for rest and a relaxation, to make working conditions in a cabin more comfortable.

 Volvo audio system — various audio sets with hi-tech functions, for example, the iPod interface, a set of "Bluetooth hands free" and the 400-vattny booster.

 The interior is available in various options of furnish (vinyl, a fabric, plush and skin) and provides the most advanced stage of comfort thanks to the ideal provision of sitting of the driver, the thought-over design of chairs, low level of noise, powerful system of climate control and the level of safety corresponding to the international standards. The interior differs good ergonomics and high level of comfort and is urged to provide excellent conditions for work, and if necessary — and rest. 

 In addition the meter panel differs convenience and reasonableness and allows the driver to receive easily the necessary information in any situation.

Sleeping cabin

 The sleeping cabin provides good conditions of night rest for one or two people and has spacious ware compartments. 

 Meter panel

 Slightly bent meter panel gives the chance to the driver to get convenient access to all control facilities. In the center the new combined meter panel with the big accurate black-and-white information display of the driver is located.

 Packages of a complete set of cabins

 On a choice there are some various packages of a complete set of cabins. Packages contain the additional equipment, for example, the adjustable shelf, active systems of safety of Volvo and a high-quality stereo system. It creates feeling of comfortableness and safety in a cabin that promotes high overall performance of the driver.

 Ware compartments

 In a cabin a set of compartments for storage: boxes, holders for documents, supports for glasses etc.
 Under a berth it is possible to establish the refrigerator.

 Conditions for night rest

 In a cabin the convenient berth on one person (760x2000x130/160 mm) is equipped, there is a possibility in addition to establish the top sleeping shelf (600x1900x100 mm).

Globetrotter cabin

 Inside the cabin has sufficient height and a set of ware compartments. On a cabin it is possible to move freely, and berths provide comfortable night rest for two people.

 Meter panel

 Slightly bent meter panel opens to the driver convenient access to all control facilities. In the center the new combined meter panel with the big accurate black-and-white information display is located.

 Packages of a complete set of cabins

 On a choice there are some various packages of a complete set of cabins. Packages contain the additional equipment, for example, the adjustable shelf, active systems of safety of Volvo and a high-quality stereo system. It creates feeling of comfort and safety in a cabin that promotes high overall performance of the driver.

 Ware compartments

 Two capacious ware compartments with doors and six compartments of the DIN standard over a windshield. Under a berth three capacious ware compartments are located, and in two extreme access outside is provided

 Conditions for night rest

 Convenient berths for two people: bottom (760x2000x130/160 mm) and top (600x1900x100 mm). Also top sleeping luxury shelf (700x1900x100 mm) is offered.

Globetrotter XL cabin

 The cabin of Globetrotter XL is even higher, is more spacious and is more comfortable. The set of ware compartments and additional internal height of a cabin provide free conveyance in a cabin and quiet night rest for two people.

 Meter panel

 Slightly bent meter panel opens to the driver convenient access to all control facilities. In the center the new combined meter panel with the big accurate black-and-white information display is located.

 Packages of a complete set of cabins

 On a choice there are some various packages of a complete set of cabins. Packages contain the additional equipment, for example, the adjustable shelf, active systems of safety of Volvo and a high-quality stereo system. It creates feeling of comfort and safety in a cabin that promotes high overall performance of the driver.

 Ware compartments

 Two capacious ware compartments with shtorny doors and six compartments of the DIN standard over a windshield. Five ware compartments of the various size under a berth. Access to extreme bottom compartments is possible both from within, and outside.

 Conditions for night rest

 Convenient berths for two people: bottom (760x2000x130/160 mm) and top (60x190x80 cm).
 Also top sleeping luxury shelf (70x190x8 cm) is offered.

Strong cabins

The most frequent road accidents — head-on collisions and capsizing. At crash with external object the main objective of a cabin — to distribute energy in the opposite direction for preservation in space, sufficient for a survival.

 The Volvo Trucks company carries out careful tests of the cabins according to various scenarios of crashes, including shock test to pendulum copra’s. All cabins of Volvo meet the requirements of the Swedish standard of strength of a cabin, the most exacting in the world.

Absorption of energy of blow

 In during crash the strongest external influence is had on the person the Force influencing a body of the person in that case, at least twice exceeds body weight. For example, at crash the force equal to 4 tons acts on speed of 50 km/h on the person in weight of 100 kg. Therefore all elements of interior should be power absorbing to break fall of a human body.

 All our cabins are completed with absorbing blows steering wheels and meter panels. Details of upholstery of a cabin to level of knees are also made of absorbing blows materials. The upholstery of seats is made of fire-resistant materials.

 Besides the additional equipment of a cabin, such as the refrigerator and a coffee maker, reliably fastens to a cabin framework. In case of crash or emergency braking they remain on the places.

Volvo trucks

The line of Volvo trucks consists of six various models, each of which has the special mission, from delivery of the goods around the city, before distant main transportations.

Volvo FH16 is a leader of the company, it is intended for the most difficult and long transportations. Thanks to magnificent running characteristics, exclusive comfort, unsurpassed safety and strength, Volvo FH16 has no international cargo transportation equal in the sphere. The raised torque and huge engine power do this tractor by the conclusive leader among heavy auto trucks.

Volvo FH was designed especially for the main transportations. The reliable and powerful lorry possesses very low fuel consumption that allows transporting cargo quickly and effectively, thus providing the maximum profit of the company carrier. The rich complete set of a cabin provides the driver with an optimum level of the comfort necessary in the conditions of the main cargo transportation.

Volvo FM is specially intended for regional transportations, its well-known power drive gear is equipped with the most effective fuel system in the world that allows a carrier to save the money. The modern braking system provides the smallest braking distance, and consequently also additional safety of the driver and cargo.

Volvo FMX became the irreplaceable assistant in the construction sphere, it is specially developed for a cargo transportation in the conditions of the increased complexity. Thanks to the multiple-purpose chassis this lorry can deliver cargo in any place, how remote it wouldn't be, easily overcoming abrupt descents and lifting’s.

Volvo FL is intended for an intercity cargo transportation, this compact auto truck is irreplaceable for развозки any goods. The economic engine, the small own weight, the improved braking system – all these advantages do the body Volvo FL auto truck irreplaceable for the companies which are carrying out city transportations.

Volvo FE is the multiple-purpose lorry with low operational costs. Thanks to a unique design, it is applied to export of a household waste or transportation of the goods with use of special refrigerating appliances more often.

And at last the most known family of brand is the model range of Volvo VT which representatives differ especially aggressive appearance and in unsurpassed capacity.

DAF LF – ideal family of cars

 It was especially interesting to carry out test drive of DAF LF: after all it not the simple car, and the updated version of the titled auto truck which has won at pan-European competition a prestigious rank «International Truck of the Year’ 2002».

At once we will specify that not one concrete model, and the series of DAF LF auto trucks including two families of cars appeared the winner in that competition: LF 45 a fully loaded mass from 6 to 12 t and LF 55 – from 12 to 18 t which had versions by a fully loaded mass from 7,5 to 12 t, and also 12-21 t, capable to work as a part of 32-ton road trains. However I should test quite concrete auto truck — DAF LF E15 with an isothermal van a fully loaded mass of 15 t, equipped with a "day" cabin.

External and internal design

Outwardly LF looked effectively — where it is better than the predecessor of DAF 55! However, if to get accustomed more attentively, it is possible to notice that basic elements of a cabin and the panel of doors the same, as at Renault Midlum. By the way, representatives even were proud of this DAF Trucks, after all thanks to cooperation with Frenchmen it was possible to lower essentially costs of creation of new model – having borrowed "cockleshell", they enclosed more efforts and money in its stuffing.

 However, it at all a copy of cars from Blanvillya. Stylists of the DAF design center managed to give to a novelty exterior unmistakably recognizable "firm" shape. Here and an original "three-storied" radiator enclosure, and the massive heel with steel, instead of a plastic bumper, and the large chrome plated letters DAF and LF. Pleased rather low arrangement of the first sideboard, than DAF 55, and new, so-called "pure" (clear) of a headlight with especially transparent and heavy-duty glasses couldn't brag.

 Car interior now the absolutely new. A peculiar front panel of a roundish form is sustained in style of "big brothers" of DAF – cars of the DAF CF and DAF XF series. At the CF model the dashboard with the information display located on the center is borrowed. At the left under a guard — an electronic, on the right — a radio tape recorder under which there is a wide folding "double" ash receiver with the lighter built in on the center. However, on loudspeakers for a basic set Dutches obviously saved: it was necessary either to replace them, or to add with low-frequency radio. But in an interior there were new materials and colors of an upholstery, in particular, pastel yellow and no stoppable dark brown, and also more comfortable seats. Information about a board computer on a front panel became more available – the quantity of languages of the menu increased with 21 to 35. Standard for all cars the system informing the driver on pressure drop in tires is established.

 For an upholstery of seats of the driver and the second driver, and also a double seat delivered to order new materials not applied before flowers are used. Unique relief drawing provides the highest level of comfort. The chair of the driver not only on a pneumonic suspender, but also is regulated in the every possible directions – both in longitudinal, and on pillow height, and on a corner of its inclination, and on a back inclination. Ruggedness of a seat changes also. It is slightly less than resetting at a chair of the passenger. In standard execution it becomes the fixed. Three-dot seat belts are integrated into chairs, and in a nave of a wheel it is in addition possible to establish an inflatable pillow. The steering tube is regulated on height and on a discharge angle. On convenient internal handles of doors there are buttons of steering of electro window regulators. In a word, comfort inherent in the excellent passenger car. 

 However LF after all the auto truck, and here is features, characteristic for such car. For example, on a motor compartment the capacious box for things where small isothermal boxing for sandwiches and drinks will be located even is located. And in its cap special deepening where it is convenient to hold various documentation is made, previously having fixed it a special rubber tape. In a front part of a box there are two deepening’s holders for glasses or bottles. Three deep niches are intended for convenience of seating of various things over a windshield. And that dropped out nothing, they are supplied with grids. One more such "string-bag", only big, is attached on a rear wall of a cabin.

Chassis and power unit

 A number of the 4-cylinder turbo diesels of Paccar FR developed by Cummins firm applied on DAF LF (4,5 l) and 6-цилидровых Paccar GR (6,7 l) is equipped with Common Rail system with increased from 1600 to the 1800th bar pressure of injection. Besides, at all DVS models the control system of a fuel system is optimized. All these innovations essentially raised an underserviced resource and profitability of cars. 

 Both families of motors have new, more powerful versions: 210 and 280 h.p. respectively. The maximum torque (760 and 1100 Nanometers) is reached in a wide range of turns: 1200-1800 in minute. Motors answer ecological to norms Euro-5. Moreover, Paccar FR engines correspond to even more strict ecologic — EEV, and without installation of the oil filter. By the tested auto truck the 220-strong turbo diesel of Paccar GR is established. In its cabin practically it is not audible. The motor, for rather small working volume, appeared unexpectedly power and elastic.

 At new 4-and 6-cylinder Paccar engines a working volume more than at predecessors, and for 20 % higher a torque and the developed capacity. It is remarkable that at all engines, irrespective of rated power, the maximum torque is reached in a wide range of rotary speed of a bent shaft that promotes increase of productivity, operational flexibility, and also drop of quantity of a gear shift. In addition, engines possess higher efficiency of combustion of fuel that for 4 %. reduces its expense.

 During dough there was a warm weather so to check efficiency of heating I didn't become, but with pleasure opened the ceiling hatch established as an option. Alas, the electric drive to it is provided only in the version with a sleeping cabin. Why there was such "discrimination", unclear, after all in both types of a cabin it would be equally convenient to driver to open the hatch, without distracting from steering of car.

 Engines for cars of the LF series develop capacity from 140 to 280 h.p. and correspond to Euro-4/5 standard requirements. However, 220-strong DVS becomes the most widespread in Europe, and the flagman 280-strong motor will be ordered, probably, by owners of long-wheelbase cold storage trucks and the cars intended for operation of cars with the trailer. On all Paccar engines for cars of the LF series the technology of selective catalytic neutralization (SCR) – simple, reliable and effective is used. 

 Innovation for cars of the LF series is possibility of installation of an automatic transmission on all models. The automatic 6-step transmission is equipped with electronic system of a choice of drives and enters into a basic set. Use of this system promotes drop of fuel consumption and increase of comfort of driving, especially in the city. However on the route considerably big profitability will be provided by a simple and unpretentious manual transmission (option).

 I very much liked a mechanical gear box which I tested two weeks later after the main dough. The small lever of switching with a short course is very convenient in work. The change speed gearbox is completely synchronized, and I never had to grope, "catch" the necessary drive: switching occurred quickly and accurately. The scheme of switching is familiar for a long time – N-shaped At first consistently pass all 4 drives, then click the switch of ranges – and at you in a stock 4 more, switched according to the same scheme. Is and the "creeping" drive allowing steadily to move with small speed. 9 drives total turn out. If softness of a pedal of gas especially didn't surprise, the clutch pedal pleased: thanks to an air booster entering into the list of the obligatory equipment, big tension she doesn't demand.

 For satisfaction of the greatest possible requirements for transportation of goods cars of the LF series are issued with various combinations of shafts and wheelbases, including tractors and 3-осные by the chassis with a steered additional shaft. The design of the chassis provides application of leaf suspensions in front both pneumatic behind, and components are located so that to provide optimum use of available space for installation of the additional equipment. Settlement criterion at chassis design also were the minimum costs of each kilometer of run. By the tested auto truck there was a standard chassis with a wheel formula 4х2.

 Frequent stops belong to specifics of operation of the city car with an exit of the driver from a cabin. I tried to go in such mode. To admit, quite high arrangement of a cabin (the floor height over the earth – 120 mm) didn't cause difficulties. Possibility to sit above and to see costs small efforts further.

 At last it is necessary to mention the new additional block of the exhaust silencer which provides space between elements the chassis necessary for installation of MEGOHM or tanks. Both the exhaust silencer on an exhaust pipe, and the additional block of the exhaust silencer can be equipped with new spray jets of dispersion of AdBlue and the new catalyst of SCR system.

DAF CF – created for work

 The Dutch company Van Doorne'sAutomobielfabrik NV (DAF) began the activity with production of trailers, and in 1949 trained for a new profession on release of auto trucks. 10 years later the production program was expanded at the expense of a compact minicar of DAF 600 with original variatorny transmission. Today DAF enters into the three of the largest European producers of auto trucks and the chassis.

 Following the results of sales of 2009 of DAF came out on top in realization of tractors for the main and regional transportations. That needed to use the possibility presented in the middle of May to test 4 updated cars of this company. Let's begin with DAF CF intended for regional, internal and international transport.

  The first on test drive exposed DAF CF 85. Road cars of this series are delivered in a complete set with the rigid chassis or the tractor chassis for models with two, three or four shafts. These multipurpose chassis calculated on intensive operation take leading positions in all scopes – from unpacked transportations and fuel trucks before operation under trying conditions the construction industry, from garbage cleaning before transportations of general purpose. The test carat, the tractor of a dvukhzvenny road train, has a low cabin with one berth.

Cabin outside and inside

 Updated DAF – cars presentable, possessing modern design, and the cabins applied on the CF 85 models, practically concede nothing to the previous generation of XF. External registration of a cabin of DAF CF clearly specifies roots of domesticity of its origin. The conical form was chosen not only on purpose to give to a cabin more stylishness and elegance of lines – in it reasonableness of design taking into account a wide range of further application is emphasized. The small width in a front part of a cabin, except aerodynamics improvement, defines the maximum safety in dense a stream of movement and ease of maneuvering in limited spaces of the cities, yards, farms and building sites. The full width between deflectors (under an aerodynamic panel) gives optimum aerodynamics, consistent with any body superstructure or the semi-trailer. 
 The thick steel bumper reliably protects the heel of the chassis and a motor compartment. In front of, except productive headlights with almost indestructible lenses, well protecting lamps from casual damage, powerful headlights and searchlights are established; steps from both parties of a cabin are illuminated (that together with convenient hand-rail facilitates landing/disembarkation), and in the top corners, under a practical and inexpensive peak, there are sidelights. Everything together they not only do the auto truck well appreciable at night, but also perfectly shine a carriageway that is important at high-speed movement on a highway. On each side chassis are available 6 sidelights, and finish a picture unpretentious by sight rear headlights, equipped with powerful lamps. Together with a large number the reflecting tapes and stickers in twilight the car looks excellently.

 Are worthy kind words and a complete set of warmed mirrors with the electric drive, and convenience of landing in a cool chair with deep lateral support and an armrest, a reasonable pneumatic suspender and a set of options of control with the electric drive, also removed on DAF CF with DAF XF.

 Materials (for formation of a torpedo, lateral and ceiling panels) are pleasant to the touch, well wash and perfectly look. But the first violin in this orchestra is played by the rich inserts allocating a working zone turned to the driver of a torpedo, and the multipurpose wheel fitted by skin – the true friend and the assistant to the driver in a long journey. On it «free hands» and steering of BQ are taken out. It is necessary to mention isothermal boxing for sandwiches and drinks (for work with an artificial ice), the branched-out system of air vents and the climate control leading productive system cooling with conditioning.
This standard size of a cabin with little changes is used at regional transportations, on municipal equipment, the cars working in the construction industry, and also at transport transportations the specialist and bulky goods, including a complete set of auto-carts. A low cab floor (to a roof of 1,60 m) and lack of change speed gearboxes levers and a bench hammer facilitate inside conveyances and cleaning, and the 2-meter integral mattress on the sleeping shelf promotes high-grade rest of the driver.
 The ergonomics are in a cabin of DAF CF at rather high level. The instrument board is pleasant to an eye, is clear, informative and perfectly shined. All elements of steering on the front and average panel are reasonably organized, easily recognizable and readable and are within reach of the driver. An exception – buttons on the central panel to which it is necessary to last. Efficiency of heating, ventilation, and also noise isolations allow to keep convenience and silence in a cabin. Excellent visibility from a driver's chair completes conditions for safe and quiet driving.

Chassis and power line

  The reliable design 3-axis the chassis keeps operability of the auto truck, reduces an idle time and reduces an inevitable damage from repair to a minimum that testifies to its low operational costs and high durability. In front of the chassis it is equipped with a leaf suspension (with low-sheet packages), behind — a pneumatic suspender, and it is outside protected by headlights wooden blocks. I.e. it is obvious that to a design of the chassis it was given particular attention. Not less engineers worked a steering, the braking system and suspenders. These qualities together with a high torque of new engines and a comfortable cabin cause pleasure from driving of cars of the CF series in any conditions and increase labor productivity of drivers.

 Reliable CF-shassi, made of high-quality steel, differs exclusive strength and in small weight that allows to increase useful loading. The top surface of the chassis absolutely flat therefore is a magnificent basis for a complete set of any superstructure. As much as possible to facilitate work to the companies which are engaged in manufacturing of bodies, bearing components of the main frame are supplied with special bores for body fastening. Installation of the Body Builder (BBM) module which is intended for ensuring collaboration of electric systems of a body and the car is possible. But on tested the big isothermal van was established to the car.

  The form, configuration and arrangement of components of the chassis are developed so that the mass of the car was as little as possible, and the useful space – is as much as possible. A set of components, such as capacities for the compressed air and other elements of the braking system, are established in a chassis frame, leaving more space for installation of bearing parts of the crane, rotary locks, reservoirs for a hydraulic liquid, boxes for tools and other additional equipment. As the system of reburning of exhaust SCR gases, including the reservoir for AdBlue, has the small sizes, there is a lot of free space for installation of big fuel tanks in capacity to 1500 l. The main model of the CF85 series is issued with various configurations of bridges: from 2- axis tractors and rigid chassis to 3-or 4- axis cars with one or two leading bridges. Supporting bridges with unary or double wheels, the non driving additional axle both steered second and supporting bridges represent some examples from the wide list of available options of configurations of bridges. Among cars of the CF series there is even the special option of the FTP tractor equipped with the easy non driving additional axle, with wheels in diameter of 17,5 inches. This bridge is used in a design of tractors in mass of 44 t, or for prevention of an overload of the leading bridge – the correct configuration for any scope. However on given 3-осном the auto truck so-called "idler" – the second uncontrollable drawbridge with an one tire is used.

  In the tested CF85 model were used a new mighty flagman 460-siliny turbo diesel of Paccar MX by a working volume of 12,9 l and the ultramodern change speed gearbox equipped with automated system of change of drives. These engines meet the most rigid requirements of standards for profitability, reliability and duration of life cycle that gives economic priority to the operator and functional advantage to the driver. And from the point of view of ecological safety, the motor of a novelty is at level not only European, but also the American requirements for restriction of blowout of harmful substances. The new 6-cylinder engines equipped with system of injection of a high pressure, made on the smart technology, develop higher capacity and a torque on small turns. They can satisfy any individual requirements of the customer, but the main thing – increase underserviced run.

In movement

  Landing in interior, and also resetting of a steering and seats took about a minute. After that acquaintance to governing bodies began. Strangely enough (after all it is a question of the new car), all these operations managed to be finished unexpectedly quickly. So, it became clear that unlike the majority of competitors of the DAF BQ menu it is independent not «jumps in a root» (there can be on the last looked-through page), a blocking activation — business trifling, and the change speed gearbox has a manual mode. Well, perfectly, after all with too many know-how also find fault - energy industries distract, confuse and dissipate attention of the driver.

 Efficiently the motor, for a change speed gearbox is chosen as a rheostat an "automatic" mode of movement and the car smoothly taxied from gate of the Irpensky service center, and in few minutes surely moved on Varshavskaya Route. Having passed the first 35-40 km, I on advantage estimated efficiency of the main units and systems: brakes (even without intervention of electronic systems) work accurately and are activated by soft pressing, the steering has no "dead zones» or jet reactions, and steering of auto truck is predicted and doesn't demand any efforts. Truly, as at the decent car. I needed to watch only the road and to enjoy silence in interior as neither a motor sound, nor aerodynamic noise, howl tires from contact piece to our asphalt on speeds to 60 km/h practically aren't audible. Growth of speed to the maximum 90 km/h wasn't added by cacophonies of sounds, and activation of a radio tape recorder nullified discomfort possibility.

 Settlements ended, the hilly highway began. And here I was again convinced that the automatic mode is good only for flat sites. It is known that the considerable part of overtaking and evolutions drops to lifting. Undoubtedly, the automatic mode of switching comfort and perfectly approaches slow flights (for fuel economy) or movements in a caravan (in a sparing mode for power lines), but it "is too thoughtful" for our roads and situations which on them develop. Frank delay in need of sharp speedup did some overtaking long and unsafe. Switching on a manual mode instantly removed all problems, having allowed to use all potential of a powerful diesel engine. It is especially important, when the auto truck will work as a part of a road train and to be maintained in a fully loaded mass to 44 t.

  At last, I will shortly mention that else it was pleasant to me in the debutant. A remarkable road-holding ability (thanks to "idler"). The magnificent review from a workplace thanks to six warmed mirrors. Lack of load of the backbone, thanks to the cool chair having a set of fixed provisions. Sure behavior of the auto truck in modes of emergency braking and thanks to big base, good tires and efficiency of electronic systems. Low step. Locks of handles of doors which are blown by air flows from front deflectors (so they are less soiled and are frosted over).

DAF XF105 Dutch leader

Auto trucks of the DAF brand are well-known in Europe and in Russia. We already told about the budgetary main DAF CF tractor, and a leader of brand, undoubtedly, is the tractor of the XF105 series which was initially created for transportation of goods on long and long-distance distance. Get acquainted: biaxial main DAF FT XF105.410 tractor .

For today the leader of DAF XF105 isn't such and a novelty, after all his debut took place at the end of 2005. At the same time, it is necessary to recognize, start appeared successful. After a while the car won a victory in the prestigious competition Truck of the Year 2007. In Russia 105 I a series appeared in 2006 m. In spite of the fact that these auto trucks already four with superfluous successfully work years on boundless open spaces of Russia, interest to them doesn't weaken. For this reason we also decided to find out that they themselves represent.

Let's remind, DAF XF105 came in the stead the XF95 models which was issued from 2001 to 2007 and not bad itself recommended at usability. At one time both models were issued in parallel. However in the middle of 2007 production XF95 was completely stopped. To one of the main differences of models was that at 95 й series were engines only the Euro 3 standard, and at 105 й there were versions performed by Euro 4 and Euro 5. Besides, 105 I received completely new Paccar MX engine with a power row in 410, 460 and 510 hp. As to appearance, it didn't undergo cardinal changes.

Chassis of the flagman XF105 series are issued with a different wheel formula: 4х2, 6х2, 6х4 and 8х4. On a choice two types of sleeping cabins are offered: XF Space Cab and XF Super Space Cab, which internal volume more than at XF95. Engines are aggregated or from the 16th step mechanical KP ZF, or with 12-or the 16-step AS Tronic machine gun. Despite such large quantity of the versions, the most popular in Russia still have the main tractor with a wheel formula 4х2. About it we will tell in more detail.

So, the biaxial sedelny DAF FT XF105.410 tractor with Space Cab cabin. Outwardly to distinguish it from XF95 it is easy, it is necessary to look narrowly only. For ensuring giving of bigger volume of air to a radiator its facing added in the sizes. Besides on it there was a molding from noncorrosive steel.

The panel of a cabin changed also. The fog lights which have been built in in a steel bumper, now not rectangular, but dot — on pair from each party. Headlights of head light are equipped with halogen lamps and closed by shock-resistant plafonds. Cases of rear-view mirrors are painted in color of a cabin. On a roof and on each side cabins are established aerodynamic panels. Along a windshield the sun-protection peak is established. Volume boxes for a jack, other driver's tool and all necessary in a long journey are both with right, and on the left side of a cabin.

For convenience of an entrance and an exit three steps are located exactly the friend over the friend, and on each side a doorway hand-rail are made. By the way, two top steps are closed by a cabin door that protects them from dirt hit during movement. Unlike an exterior, the interior of a cabin underwent deeper modernization. First of all we will note that the height of a motor tunnel was considerably reduced. By the tested auto truck the distance from a tunnel to a roof makes 175 see. It managed to be reached at the expense of use of new, lower power unit. The parking brake is transferred on a front panel, and the KP lever can develop now. As a result conveyance on a cabin and access to a sleeping compartment of steel more comfortable.

The recreation area represents two spacious sleeping shelves. Bottom in the length of 210 cm and in the width of 81 cm with an integral sleeping mattress it is possible to use not only for a dream, but also as a convenient sofa. Under it placed a huge sliding glove compartment and 42 liter refrigerator. The top sleeping shelf isn't less comfortable. In transport situation it fastens at an angle 45 degrees. In case of need it can be spread out quickly by means of the special gear. For convenience of access to the shelf the folding aluminum short flight of stairs with wide steps is provided.

Opposite to a drawer with the refrigerator, on the central extension housing, it is provided also a sliding little table. The dinner with comfort is on the way provided. Behind a driver's seat there was a holder for a 1.5 liter bottle.

It is not deprived of comfort and a workplace of the driver. At its order a seat on a compression-suspender with a lumbar thrust block and a large quantity of resetting, including possibility of change of ruggedness of a cushioning. The front panel is executed in gray-black tones. The 4 position multipurpose wheel is supplied with the built-in keys by means of which it is possible to steer certain systems of the tractor. The steering tube is regulated on a departure and on a discharge angle. The new dashboard considerably changed, became more modern. On its center the on-board computer display on which the most important is deduced information on a condition of this or that system of the auto truck is located. The picture is supplemented by roundish speedometer, a tachometer, indexes of temperature of a cooling fluid, air pressure, and also fuel and AdBlue liquid level.

To the left of the driver, on the door panel — buttons of steering of four rear-view mirrors and electric window regulators. On the right — convenient switches of system of heating and ventilation. In the heel of the central extension housing the capacious shelf equipped with a side and a rubber blanket, for storage of useful trifles is located. In the top part of a cabin, over a windshield, there are capacious ware regiments. The air conditioner, a CD radio tape recorder with two loudspeakers, cruise control and electric window regulators enter into a basic set of DAF XF105.

For carrying out EO there is no need each time to hoist a cabin. All necessary tank fillers are deduced for a front panel of a cabin. Besides, necessary information on a condition of the tractor is deduced on the on-board computer display. If you for any reasons don't trust electronics, welcome … Take mount in hands — and forward: hundred with small musclemen of the hydrohoist, and the cabin will be cast away on a sufficient corner for service. Here oil-depth gage and many other things.

One more feature of the tractor is absolutely new, in comparison with XF95, the engine. On DAF XF105 the 6 cylinder diesel engine of Paccar MX300 in volume 12,9 liters in capacity of 410 hp is established. The motor answers ecological norms of Euro 5 at the expense of SCR technology application. According to experts of DAF, engines of Paccar family meet the most rigid requirements of standards of profitability, reliability and duration of life cycle. The interservice interval is increased to 90 thousand km at operation on mineral oil and at about 150 by one thousand km on synthetics. However at tractor operation in conditions fuel the service interval is reduced to 60 thousand km. A guarantee on the engine, KP and the rear bridge two years without run restriction, thus on the car — one year.

4 step mechanical KP ZF is involved in transmission on DAF XF105 with a divider and a demultiplikator. Brakes disk on all wheels, with an electronic control system of EBS. Suspender: in front spring, behind, as well as it is necessary, pneumatic, on four cylinders.

On the left side of the tractor the aluminum fuel tank in capacity of 850 liters with a being locked cap is established. On the right — the exhaust silencer, a tank for AdBlue and the battery compartment, united for compactness in one module. There was a place for a spare wheel. Thanks to feature of the DAF XF105 chassis receivers and components of the braking system are located in a frame therefore, if to clean a spare wheel, it is possible as an option to order an auxiliary fuel tank therefore the total stock of fuel can make about 1500 liters. Thus the place for a spare wheel can be found on the semi-trailer.

The cabin of the tractor has a quite good noise isolation. However, standing near car, operation of the engine silent to call difficult. Bolshaya Square of a glazing of a cabin with a good set of rear-view mirrors create an accurate picture that is created in front of and round a road train. The wheel of a new design is provided by the convenient successful fellow and doesn't block the indication of devices. It was pleasant that information issued on the display of the on-board computer, appears only in case of need or on demand of the driver. By the way, on cars since 2009 there was a Russified menu. During the test of drive joined accurately, efforts on governing bodies were minimum. Smoothness of a course and roadability left the most favorable impressions. The braking system accurately responded to teams of the driver.

It is necessary to add that DAF XF105 created for work on extended routes, is very comfortable. The powerful and at the same time economic engine allows it to correspond completely to a rank of a leader of a model range of DAF.

DAF trucks

Continuous no-failure operation day by day, transportation of goods with run in hundreds thousands kilometers, comfortableness, safety and efficiency – the main advantages of DAF trucks. Each separate transportation of cargo has the individual requirements for this reason engineers of the DAF company developed three concepts of auto trucks – LF, CF and ХF105. The wide range of accessories allows to equip the car according to all requirements of the client for this reason DAF auto trucks are in great demand among cargo carriers.

DAF LF possesses excellent maneuverability, possibility of transportation of long and flat cargoes, high level of comfort, efficiency and profitability. Engines of the LF series correspond to requirements of the Euro 4 and Euro 5 standards for concentration of toxic substances in exhaust gases. The automatic six-speed transmission is equipped with electronic system of a choice of drive depending on a situation. Use of this system promotes drop of fuel consumption and increase of comfort of driving.
Thanks to possibility of multi-purpose application DAF LF lorries took the worthy place in the sphere of a city cargo transportation.

DAF CF is created taking into account increased requirements to an intensive use of lorries. A Dany series is characterized by a set of versions and can be applied as to transportation of liquid and loose cargoes, and for transportation of heavy construction equipment. The special design of a suspender allows DAF CF to move on highways and off road terrain that does this auto truck attractive to the carriers working in industrial zones. DAF XF105 is a leader of the company.

This car is intended for transportation of cargoes on a long distance therefore its cabin became the highest standard of roominess and comfortableness for the driver. Transmission is optimum balanced for ensuring the lowest fuel consumption. the 16-speed automatic transmission of AS-Tronic is specially intended for operation under trying conditions international transport. Exactly thanks to these qualities the DAF XF105 auto truck is present at vehicle fleets of all large European transport companies.

New models of auto trucks from JAC motors

JAC auto trucks already proved, as economic commercial cars – average fuel consumption on 100 km makes 10 l.

On JAC HFC1020KR the diesel engine in volume of 2,5 l, corresponding to the international Euro-2 standards is established. As practice showed, diesel engine is the most reliable and economic in city conditions and at trips on big distances. The main difference of the JAC 1020KR auto truck is its cost – possessing a number of clear advantages, it remains in one price category with similar cars on dimensions. By the way, for steering of this car, enough driving license of the category "In". For this reason JAC 1020KR is the most favorable capital investment for carriers in a segment of commercial auto trucks with a fully loaded mass to 3,5 t.

The new JAC 1045K auto truck is also equipped with the diesel turbirovanny engine answering to the international standard of "Euro-2", volume 2,7 liters. Exactly thanks to this JAC 1045K engine differs enviable profitability. The steering booster, a reliable independent suspension and the convenient onboard panel, do a cargo transportation by this car comfortable, providing JAC 1045K with quick dynamics and maneuverability.

On JAC 1020K establish quite serious engine, capacity of 120 h.p. that provides to the car quite dynamic driving. The diesel engine of this model of the JAC auto truck as corresponds to the Euro-2 standard. Besides, on JAC 1020K absolutely new body with the strengthened frame design both a new control system and braking is established.

Utility trucks of JAC motors won long ago to themselves reputation of reliable and simple cars in service, than and attracted to the Russian transport companies.

Scania R620 Topline auto trucks

From the point of view of cost – Scania R620 is one of expensive auto trucks in Europe, but despite it, it very well is on sale. It is connected with that fuel consumption and accompanying expenditure of Scania R620 autos rather low, and the residual price of such auto truck leaves very much even attractive.
So high sales level of sedelny tractors of a Premium-class with engine power of 600 hp. Any other producer never could brag.

Let's consider the main minuses of Scaniа R620 for a start. The short interservice intervals, almost half reduced volume of a baggage compartment and rather small doors of an external baggage compartment. Unprofitable also there are higher, than with standard biaxial tractors, operational expenses and fuel consumption, especially if to consider a distant main cargo transportation.

Though if the main part of a route will lie on the mountain district, the powerful auto truck becomes the obvious favourite. At smaller number of switchings of a change speed gearbox physical fatigue of the driver it will be ready smaller while concentration of attention on the road – is much higher. And, as we know, on infinite mountain passes and serpentines these factors the most important.

The Scania R620  auto truck is absolutely inexpedient on usual routes, for example, it isn't in demand at all in Germany and Poland. But if speech comes about the mountain district, such capacity is quite adequate. For this reason Scania R620 enjoys wide popularity in Turkey, Italy and, especially, on mountain sites of the Crimea in Ukraine.

Cargo van of Kia Pregio New

New Kia Pregio differs from the Korean predecessors, first of all, outwardly: a new massive front panel of a body and the big bumper providing increased safety, blocks of light devices of the increased area and the rear stoplights which have been taken out on the rear door of a load box.

Despite that the size of a wheelbase and inside dimensions of a body didn't change, the overall length of Kia Pregio increased on 100 mm. This time engineers after all took care of comfort of the driver – the car is equipped with new ergonomic seats with head restraints, a steering wheel with the hydraulic booster and the built-in airbag which has been completely updated by a meter panel with special control linkages by heating and ventilation.

The diesel turbirovanny engine 4D56 TCi in volume of 2,5 l became the standard engine for Kia Pregio now. And capacity in 94 h.p. The injector system of fuel delivery of Common Rail provides to a van decent maximum speed – 142 km/h. and rather economic fuel consumption – 8,9 L./100 km.

It is possible to carry to other innovations:

• the strengthened clasp brakes;
• plastic fuel tank in capacity of 70 l.;
• automatic 4th step gear box;
• a spring front suspension, a rear suspension – spring with gas-filled absorbers.

The load box of Kia Pregio can brag decent, for such cars, the size – 5,7 cubic meters. This van is ideally suited for delivery or развозки the household goods, such as household chemicals, clothes, toys etc. At the average price in the European market of 13 000 euros, this car not only quickly pays off, but also practically at once starts to make quite good profit, for as is in demand at representatives of medium business.

Friday, June 1, 2012

American Freightliner Argosy auto truck

Freightliner Argosy – the honourable representative of the American automotive industry. It is one of the best auto trucks of production of the USA. Despite that the engine is located directly under a cabin, in interior there are no eminences – a floor in a cabin absolutely equal.

Such non-standard design considerably increases space and creates comfortable conditions. Freightliner Argosy the safe and reliable American auto truck which is ideal option for transportation of heavy lengthy cargoes. This trucks quite easily maneuvers on narrow loading platforms thanks to an angle of rotation of wheels in 50 ⁰ and to an ideal ratio of distance from a front axle to a bumper. Freightliner Argosy auto trucks are an internal open space, comfort and safety of the driver.

Freightliner Argosy the gear of an inclination of a cabin allows to get easily access to the engine in case of emergency breakage, or any other situation. For carrying out checkup, or filling of liquid capacities, it is rather simple to open a radiator enclosure that is very convenient from the technical point of view. Thanks to such design need of lifting of a cabin, after all Freightliner Argosy – very reliable auto truck practically disappears. The meter panel has original design – an ergonomic arrangement of devices, additional illumination, decorative inserts under a tree. For drop of own weight of the auto truck, engineers used special alloys, on the weight not exceeding aluminum weight, but having higher strength.

The American Freightliner Argosy trucks answer all European standards thanks to what they enjoy wide popularity not only in the USA, but also worldwide.

IVECO auto trucks – the new quality standard of a cargo transportation

IVECO lorries are intended for a city and long-distance cargo transportation. The main sedelny IVECO tractors perfectly cope with transportation of goods on big distances for this reason transport companies use them for international transport more often. Thanks to multiple-purpose base, IVECO auto trucks can be completed with any type of trailers and bodies that allows them to correspond to requirements of carriers precisely.

On cargo chassis and tractors establish economic, and also reliable Cursor 13 engines (540 h.p.), Cursor 10 (430 h.p.) and Cursor 8 (350 h.p.). Profitability – one of the main features of all IVECO models, a fuel system of Cursor engines is the best in the class according to fuel consumption indications. All IVECO auto trucks are equipped with ventilated clasp brakes, rather powerful for an instant stop of a vehicle. Various options of a wheelbase of the lorry allow to establish any body type, from an onboard platform to a thermobox.

The modern and stylish cabin at the heart of which there is a strong steelwork, provides not only high level of comfort of the driver, but also his additional protection. Depending on auto truck version, be it main or city, IVECO can be completed both the truncated cabins without additional options, and the cabins intended for long trips, with all necessary equipment and a berth. The practical and cozy interior with conveniently located elements of steering, does each trip by IVECO auto trucks comfortable and safe.

Volvo VT 880 auto truck

Volvo VT 880 — the graceful, comfortable and spacious main auto truck equipped with two berths. Beauty of decorative facing and the chromeplated details of model 880 — here a shining example of how the auto truck for a distant cargo transportation should look.

But style — it not the unique advantage of this model, Volvo VT 880 not casually awarded with such long cowl: here the whole matter is in the capacity which provides the enormous 16-liter Volvo VE D16 engine. Model 880 is specially created for the longest flights, it is ideally suited for big loadings. If uncontrollable power for the international transportation of two trailers or heavy cargo – Volvo VT 880, undoubtedly is required, will be the best choice for the solution of this task.

The main Volvo VT 880 auto truck perfectly copes with several tasks at the same time: provides the maximum safety and comfort of the driver, is more economic, in comparison with the previous models, possesses fine aerodynamic characteristics. The automated system of onboard navigation always will help the driver to keep the maximum vigilance, at the same time, providing it the maximum conveniences when driving. The sleeping compartment of Volvo VT 880, with the 77th inch roof, is quite spacious for the auto truck of the eighth class.

Freight transportation — it is serious business, and model 880 — the ideal tool for this type of business. The aspiration of Volvo to reliability, safety and efficiency accompanies the driver on each kilometer of a way, protecting the income of a carrier and helping to deliver cargoes precisely in time.