Thursday, June 14, 2012

DAF CF – created for work

 The Dutch company Van Doorne'sAutomobielfabrik NV (DAF) began the activity with production of trailers, and in 1949 trained for a new profession on release of auto trucks. 10 years later the production program was expanded at the expense of a compact minicar of DAF 600 with original variatorny transmission. Today DAF enters into the three of the largest European producers of auto trucks and the chassis.

 Following the results of sales of 2009 of DAF came out on top in realization of tractors for the main and regional transportations. That needed to use the possibility presented in the middle of May to test 4 updated cars of this company. Let's begin with DAF CF intended for regional, internal and international transport.

  The first on test drive exposed DAF CF 85. Road cars of this series are delivered in a complete set with the rigid chassis or the tractor chassis for models with two, three or four shafts. These multipurpose chassis calculated on intensive operation take leading positions in all scopes – from unpacked transportations and fuel trucks before operation under trying conditions the construction industry, from garbage cleaning before transportations of general purpose. The test carat, the tractor of a dvukhzvenny road train, has a low cabin with one berth.

Cabin outside and inside

 Updated DAF – cars presentable, possessing modern design, and the cabins applied on the CF 85 models, practically concede nothing to the previous generation of XF. External registration of a cabin of DAF CF clearly specifies roots of domesticity of its origin. The conical form was chosen not only on purpose to give to a cabin more stylishness and elegance of lines – in it reasonableness of design taking into account a wide range of further application is emphasized. The small width in a front part of a cabin, except aerodynamics improvement, defines the maximum safety in dense a stream of movement and ease of maneuvering in limited spaces of the cities, yards, farms and building sites. The full width between deflectors (under an aerodynamic panel) gives optimum aerodynamics, consistent with any body superstructure or the semi-trailer. 
 The thick steel bumper reliably protects the heel of the chassis and a motor compartment. In front of, except productive headlights with almost indestructible lenses, well protecting lamps from casual damage, powerful headlights and searchlights are established; steps from both parties of a cabin are illuminated (that together with convenient hand-rail facilitates landing/disembarkation), and in the top corners, under a practical and inexpensive peak, there are sidelights. Everything together they not only do the auto truck well appreciable at night, but also perfectly shine a carriageway that is important at high-speed movement on a highway. On each side chassis are available 6 sidelights, and finish a picture unpretentious by sight rear headlights, equipped with powerful lamps. Together with a large number the reflecting tapes and stickers in twilight the car looks excellently.

 Are worthy kind words and a complete set of warmed mirrors with the electric drive, and convenience of landing in a cool chair with deep lateral support and an armrest, a reasonable pneumatic suspender and a set of options of control with the electric drive, also removed on DAF CF with DAF XF.

 Materials (for formation of a torpedo, lateral and ceiling panels) are pleasant to the touch, well wash and perfectly look. But the first violin in this orchestra is played by the rich inserts allocating a working zone turned to the driver of a torpedo, and the multipurpose wheel fitted by skin – the true friend and the assistant to the driver in a long journey. On it «free hands» and steering of BQ are taken out. It is necessary to mention isothermal boxing for sandwiches and drinks (for work with an artificial ice), the branched-out system of air vents and the climate control leading productive system cooling with conditioning.
This standard size of a cabin with little changes is used at regional transportations, on municipal equipment, the cars working in the construction industry, and also at transport transportations the specialist and bulky goods, including a complete set of auto-carts. A low cab floor (to a roof of 1,60 m) and lack of change speed gearboxes levers and a bench hammer facilitate inside conveyances and cleaning, and the 2-meter integral mattress on the sleeping shelf promotes high-grade rest of the driver.
 The ergonomics are in a cabin of DAF CF at rather high level. The instrument board is pleasant to an eye, is clear, informative and perfectly shined. All elements of steering on the front and average panel are reasonably organized, easily recognizable and readable and are within reach of the driver. An exception – buttons on the central panel to which it is necessary to last. Efficiency of heating, ventilation, and also noise isolations allow to keep convenience and silence in a cabin. Excellent visibility from a driver's chair completes conditions for safe and quiet driving.

Chassis and power line

  The reliable design 3-axis the chassis keeps operability of the auto truck, reduces an idle time and reduces an inevitable damage from repair to a minimum that testifies to its low operational costs and high durability. In front of the chassis it is equipped with a leaf suspension (with low-sheet packages), behind — a pneumatic suspender, and it is outside protected by headlights wooden blocks. I.e. it is obvious that to a design of the chassis it was given particular attention. Not less engineers worked a steering, the braking system and suspenders. These qualities together with a high torque of new engines and a comfortable cabin cause pleasure from driving of cars of the CF series in any conditions and increase labor productivity of drivers.

 Reliable CF-shassi, made of high-quality steel, differs exclusive strength and in small weight that allows to increase useful loading. The top surface of the chassis absolutely flat therefore is a magnificent basis for a complete set of any superstructure. As much as possible to facilitate work to the companies which are engaged in manufacturing of bodies, bearing components of the main frame are supplied with special bores for body fastening. Installation of the Body Builder (BBM) module which is intended for ensuring collaboration of electric systems of a body and the car is possible. But on tested the big isothermal van was established to the car.

  The form, configuration and arrangement of components of the chassis are developed so that the mass of the car was as little as possible, and the useful space – is as much as possible. A set of components, such as capacities for the compressed air and other elements of the braking system, are established in a chassis frame, leaving more space for installation of bearing parts of the crane, rotary locks, reservoirs for a hydraulic liquid, boxes for tools and other additional equipment. As the system of reburning of exhaust SCR gases, including the reservoir for AdBlue, has the small sizes, there is a lot of free space for installation of big fuel tanks in capacity to 1500 l. The main model of the CF85 series is issued with various configurations of bridges: from 2- axis tractors and rigid chassis to 3-or 4- axis cars with one or two leading bridges. Supporting bridges with unary or double wheels, the non driving additional axle both steered second and supporting bridges represent some examples from the wide list of available options of configurations of bridges. Among cars of the CF series there is even the special option of the FTP tractor equipped with the easy non driving additional axle, with wheels in diameter of 17,5 inches. This bridge is used in a design of tractors in mass of 44 t, or for prevention of an overload of the leading bridge – the correct configuration for any scope. However on given 3-осном the auto truck so-called "idler" – the second uncontrollable drawbridge with an one tire is used.

  In the tested CF85 model were used a new mighty flagman 460-siliny turbo diesel of Paccar MX by a working volume of 12,9 l and the ultramodern change speed gearbox equipped with automated system of change of drives. These engines meet the most rigid requirements of standards for profitability, reliability and duration of life cycle that gives economic priority to the operator and functional advantage to the driver. And from the point of view of ecological safety, the motor of a novelty is at level not only European, but also the American requirements for restriction of blowout of harmful substances. The new 6-cylinder engines equipped with system of injection of a high pressure, made on the smart technology, develop higher capacity and a torque on small turns. They can satisfy any individual requirements of the customer, but the main thing – increase underserviced run.

In movement

  Landing in interior, and also resetting of a steering and seats took about a minute. After that acquaintance to governing bodies began. Strangely enough (after all it is a question of the new car), all these operations managed to be finished unexpectedly quickly. So, it became clear that unlike the majority of competitors of the DAF BQ menu it is independent not «jumps in a root» (there can be on the last looked-through page), a blocking activation — business trifling, and the change speed gearbox has a manual mode. Well, perfectly, after all with too many know-how also find fault - energy industries distract, confuse and dissipate attention of the driver.

 Efficiently the motor, for a change speed gearbox is chosen as a rheostat an "automatic" mode of movement and the car smoothly taxied from gate of the Irpensky service center, and in few minutes surely moved on Varshavskaya Route. Having passed the first 35-40 km, I on advantage estimated efficiency of the main units and systems: brakes (even without intervention of electronic systems) work accurately and are activated by soft pressing, the steering has no "dead zones» or jet reactions, and steering of auto truck is predicted and doesn't demand any efforts. Truly, as at the decent car. I needed to watch only the road and to enjoy silence in interior as neither a motor sound, nor aerodynamic noise, howl tires from contact piece to our asphalt on speeds to 60 km/h practically aren't audible. Growth of speed to the maximum 90 km/h wasn't added by cacophonies of sounds, and activation of a radio tape recorder nullified discomfort possibility.

 Settlements ended, the hilly highway began. And here I was again convinced that the automatic mode is good only for flat sites. It is known that the considerable part of overtaking and evolutions drops to lifting. Undoubtedly, the automatic mode of switching comfort and perfectly approaches slow flights (for fuel economy) or movements in a caravan (in a sparing mode for power lines), but it "is too thoughtful" for our roads and situations which on them develop. Frank delay in need of sharp speedup did some overtaking long and unsafe. Switching on a manual mode instantly removed all problems, having allowed to use all potential of a powerful diesel engine. It is especially important, when the auto truck will work as a part of a road train and to be maintained in a fully loaded mass to 44 t.

  At last, I will shortly mention that else it was pleasant to me in the debutant. A remarkable road-holding ability (thanks to "idler"). The magnificent review from a workplace thanks to six warmed mirrors. Lack of load of the backbone, thanks to the cool chair having a set of fixed provisions. Sure behavior of the auto truck in modes of emergency braking and thanks to big base, good tires and efficiency of electronic systems. Low step. Locks of handles of doors which are blown by air flows from front deflectors (so they are less soiled and are frosted over).

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