Thursday, June 14, 2012

DAF LF – ideal family of cars

 It was especially interesting to carry out test drive of DAF LF: after all it not the simple car, and the updated version of the titled auto truck which has won at pan-European competition a prestigious rank «International Truck of the Year’ 2002».

At once we will specify that not one concrete model, and the series of DAF LF auto trucks including two families of cars appeared the winner in that competition: LF 45 a fully loaded mass from 6 to 12 t and LF 55 – from 12 to 18 t which had versions by a fully loaded mass from 7,5 to 12 t, and also 12-21 t, capable to work as a part of 32-ton road trains. However I should test quite concrete auto truck — DAF LF E15 with an isothermal van a fully loaded mass of 15 t, equipped with a "day" cabin.

External and internal design

Outwardly LF looked effectively — where it is better than the predecessor of DAF 55! However, if to get accustomed more attentively, it is possible to notice that basic elements of a cabin and the panel of doors the same, as at Renault Midlum. By the way, representatives even were proud of this DAF Trucks, after all thanks to cooperation with Frenchmen it was possible to lower essentially costs of creation of new model – having borrowed "cockleshell", they enclosed more efforts and money in its stuffing.

 However, it at all a copy of cars from Blanvillya. Stylists of the DAF design center managed to give to a novelty exterior unmistakably recognizable "firm" shape. Here and an original "three-storied" radiator enclosure, and the massive heel with steel, instead of a plastic bumper, and the large chrome plated letters DAF and LF. Pleased rather low arrangement of the first sideboard, than DAF 55, and new, so-called "pure" (clear) of a headlight with especially transparent and heavy-duty glasses couldn't brag.

 Car interior now the absolutely new. A peculiar front panel of a roundish form is sustained in style of "big brothers" of DAF – cars of the DAF CF and DAF XF series. At the CF model the dashboard with the information display located on the center is borrowed. At the left under a guard — an electronic, on the right — a radio tape recorder under which there is a wide folding "double" ash receiver with the lighter built in on the center. However, on loudspeakers for a basic set Dutches obviously saved: it was necessary either to replace them, or to add with low-frequency radio. But in an interior there were new materials and colors of an upholstery, in particular, pastel yellow and no stoppable dark brown, and also more comfortable seats. Information about a board computer on a front panel became more available – the quantity of languages of the menu increased with 21 to 35. Standard for all cars the system informing the driver on pressure drop in tires is established.

 For an upholstery of seats of the driver and the second driver, and also a double seat delivered to order new materials not applied before flowers are used. Unique relief drawing provides the highest level of comfort. The chair of the driver not only on a pneumonic suspender, but also is regulated in the every possible directions – both in longitudinal, and on pillow height, and on a corner of its inclination, and on a back inclination. Ruggedness of a seat changes also. It is slightly less than resetting at a chair of the passenger. In standard execution it becomes the fixed. Three-dot seat belts are integrated into chairs, and in a nave of a wheel it is in addition possible to establish an inflatable pillow. The steering tube is regulated on height and on a discharge angle. On convenient internal handles of doors there are buttons of steering of electro window regulators. In a word, comfort inherent in the excellent passenger car. 

 However LF after all the auto truck, and here is features, characteristic for such car. For example, on a motor compartment the capacious box for things where small isothermal boxing for sandwiches and drinks will be located even is located. And in its cap special deepening where it is convenient to hold various documentation is made, previously having fixed it a special rubber tape. In a front part of a box there are two deepening’s holders for glasses or bottles. Three deep niches are intended for convenience of seating of various things over a windshield. And that dropped out nothing, they are supplied with grids. One more such "string-bag", only big, is attached on a rear wall of a cabin.

Chassis and power unit

 A number of the 4-cylinder turbo diesels of Paccar FR developed by Cummins firm applied on DAF LF (4,5 l) and 6-цилидровых Paccar GR (6,7 l) is equipped with Common Rail system with increased from 1600 to the 1800th bar pressure of injection. Besides, at all DVS models the control system of a fuel system is optimized. All these innovations essentially raised an underserviced resource and profitability of cars. 

 Both families of motors have new, more powerful versions: 210 and 280 h.p. respectively. The maximum torque (760 and 1100 Nanometers) is reached in a wide range of turns: 1200-1800 in minute. Motors answer ecological to norms Euro-5. Moreover, Paccar FR engines correspond to even more strict ecologic — EEV, and without installation of the oil filter. By the tested auto truck the 220-strong turbo diesel of Paccar GR is established. In its cabin practically it is not audible. The motor, for rather small working volume, appeared unexpectedly power and elastic.

 At new 4-and 6-cylinder Paccar engines a working volume more than at predecessors, and for 20 % higher a torque and the developed capacity. It is remarkable that at all engines, irrespective of rated power, the maximum torque is reached in a wide range of rotary speed of a bent shaft that promotes increase of productivity, operational flexibility, and also drop of quantity of a gear shift. In addition, engines possess higher efficiency of combustion of fuel that for 4 %. reduces its expense.

 During dough there was a warm weather so to check efficiency of heating I didn't become, but with pleasure opened the ceiling hatch established as an option. Alas, the electric drive to it is provided only in the version with a sleeping cabin. Why there was such "discrimination", unclear, after all in both types of a cabin it would be equally convenient to driver to open the hatch, without distracting from steering of car.

 Engines for cars of the LF series develop capacity from 140 to 280 h.p. and correspond to Euro-4/5 standard requirements. However, 220-strong DVS becomes the most widespread in Europe, and the flagman 280-strong motor will be ordered, probably, by owners of long-wheelbase cold storage trucks and the cars intended for operation of cars with the trailer. On all Paccar engines for cars of the LF series the technology of selective catalytic neutralization (SCR) – simple, reliable and effective is used. 

 Innovation for cars of the LF series is possibility of installation of an automatic transmission on all models. The automatic 6-step transmission is equipped with electronic system of a choice of drives and enters into a basic set. Use of this system promotes drop of fuel consumption and increase of comfort of driving, especially in the city. However on the route considerably big profitability will be provided by a simple and unpretentious manual transmission (option).

 I very much liked a mechanical gear box which I tested two weeks later after the main dough. The small lever of switching with a short course is very convenient in work. The change speed gearbox is completely synchronized, and I never had to grope, "catch" the necessary drive: switching occurred quickly and accurately. The scheme of switching is familiar for a long time – N-shaped At first consistently pass all 4 drives, then click the switch of ranges – and at you in a stock 4 more, switched according to the same scheme. Is and the "creeping" drive allowing steadily to move with small speed. 9 drives total turn out. If softness of a pedal of gas especially didn't surprise, the clutch pedal pleased: thanks to an air booster entering into the list of the obligatory equipment, big tension she doesn't demand.

 For satisfaction of the greatest possible requirements for transportation of goods cars of the LF series are issued with various combinations of shafts and wheelbases, including tractors and 3-осные by the chassis with a steered additional shaft. The design of the chassis provides application of leaf suspensions in front both pneumatic behind, and components are located so that to provide optimum use of available space for installation of the additional equipment. Settlement criterion at chassis design also were the minimum costs of each kilometer of run. By the tested auto truck there was a standard chassis with a wheel formula 4х2.

 Frequent stops belong to specifics of operation of the city car with an exit of the driver from a cabin. I tried to go in such mode. To admit, quite high arrangement of a cabin (the floor height over the earth – 120 mm) didn't cause difficulties. Possibility to sit above and to see costs small efforts further.

 At last it is necessary to mention the new additional block of the exhaust silencer which provides space between elements the chassis necessary for installation of MEGOHM or tanks. Both the exhaust silencer on an exhaust pipe, and the additional block of the exhaust silencer can be equipped with new spray jets of dispersion of AdBlue and the new catalyst of SCR system.

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